The future of Construction


Certified Green
Building Materials

Orilite AAC products are eco-friendly*, and certified by Indian Green Building Council. i
*Produced from recycled industrial waste: fly ash and other non-toxic ingredients. The process of producing AAC is clean and there is only one by-product; steam. Also, the total energy consumption for producing Orilite AAC blocks is less than 50% of what it takes to produce other building material.

AAC Products

Orilite offers a wide range of AAC products to cater for your building needs. Manufactured at our state-of-the-art facility, our products adhere to all applicable ISI standards along with various international standards.
4MPa AAC Blocks
Orilite Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks are best fit to build load bearing and non load bearing structure with greater compressive strength. It facilitates faster masonry work with less uneven surface. We complies with BIS 2185-3 (1984) AND PROVIDES LESS BREAKAGE DUE TO HIGHER DENSITY.
U- Blocks are special category of blocks suitable for bond beams, lintels & mullions as per structure and masonry requirements. it is also suitable for laying pipes.
These are customized blocks specially to cater various needs of industry require laying of cables. Orilite C blocks provide a better alternative for laying cables specially in challenging geographical environment.
5MPa AAC Blocks
Orilite Autoclaved Aerated 05 MPA Concrete Blocks are best fit to build load bearing and non load bearing structure with greater compressive strength. It facilitates faster masonry work with less uneven surface. We complies with BIS 2185-3 (1984) and provides less breakage. Higher compressive strength provides enhanced solidity to blocks.
Sandbased AAC Blocks
Orilite Autoclaved Aerated Sandbased Concrete Blocks provides more strength to the structures, better seepage and drying shrinkage.

Bonding and Finishing Solutions

Orilite offers a range of high quality bonding and finishing solutions that help you create stronger and smoother walls, specially formulated to be used along with our AAC products.

Designed specifically for AAC blocks, Orifix is a self-curing, high-strength mortar that accelerates construction time by offering easy application and strong bonding. This ready-to-use mortar is formulated to enhance adhesion and eliminate the need for separate curing, ensuring a faster, more efficient building process. Orifix also delivers a seamless finish, ensuring precision and durability in every layer of your wall construction.

Download a digital copy of our products and services

     Thermal Insulation

    A thermal wall for cooler summers, and warmer winters

    Orilite AAC products have low thermal conductivity and low air infiltration, thereby reducing the load on your cooling and heating appliances and lowering your energy costs.
    Learn more
    Fire Resistance

    Fire resistance, for your peace of mind

    Orilite products are fire resistant, withstanding high temperatures for a long time of upto 1200 deg C for upto 4 hours*
    Learn more
    Years of Experience
    Successful Projects
    Ongoing Projects
    Cubic meters of materials

    Built with Orilite
    AAC Products

    Taj Lakefront

    Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Royal Orbit

    Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Radisson hotel

    Jablpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Pasricha Hotel

    Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Pohra Vision

    Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Sri Krishna Prishar

    Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2020

    Orilite is what you need

    Orilite AAC products and bonding solutions are better than traditional building materials and should be your preferred choice for your next project.

    Cost Efficient

    Using Orilite range helps you save upto 22.05% of your total project costs. Scroll down to learn more.

    Energy Efficient

    Orilite blocks help to control temperature upto 30% inside the building hence saving energy costs.

    Faster construction

    Orilite enables genuine cost savings as construction time is reduced and labor costs are minimized.

    Weather Resistance

    Orilite products have outstanding
    durability to humidity, freeze / thaw cycles & chemical attack.

    Cost impact analysis compared to bricks  i 

    View All


    Total impact on project cost


    Savings in Components

    Impact on Project Cost

    Mortar i
    Labor Cost i
    Structure Steel & Concrete i
    Wastage i
    Floor space i
    • Mortar

      Orilite blocks are 8 times the size of conventional bricks, resulting in 1/3rd the number of joints


      Savings in Components


      Impact on Project Cost
    • Labor Cost

      Relatively larger sizes, exceptional dimensional and smooth surface ensure rapid construction and more walls laid per min hour


      Savings in Components


      Impact on Project Cost
    • Structure Steel & Concrete

      Being light, Orilite blocks drastically reduce dead weight of the building, resulting inreduction in steel and cement utilized in structure


      Savings in Components


      Impact on Project Cost
    • Wastage

      Breakage in bricks might be as high as 12-15% and in case of Orilite blocks, it is much less


      Savings in Components


      Impact on Project Cost
    • Floor space

      Due to exceptional thermal insulation properties, it is possible to use thinner blocks, which results in increase in carpet area


      Savings in Components


      Impact on Project Cost

    Perfectly crafted benefits for every structure

    • Cost effective with Orilite AAC blocks
    • Lighter and stronger than bricks
    • Industrial level Fire protection
    • Resistant to earthquakes and storms
    • Non-toxic in nature
    • Orilite AAC blocks prevent growth of mold.
    • Cost effective with Orilite AAC blocks
    • Lighter and stronger than bricks
    • Industrial level Fire protection
    • Resistant to earthquakes and storms
    • Non-toxic in nature
    • Orilite AAC blocks prevent growth of mold.
    • Fire-resistant
    • Anti-Termite
    • Better Resistance to Sound
    • Non-Toxic in nature
    • Earthquake Resistant
    • Resistant to Fire
    • No Harmful Chemicals
    • Environment Friendly
    • Withstands every Whether
    • High Durability
    • Higher floor space
    • Adaptable to every structural surface
    • Anti-Termite
    • Robust and superior firmness
    • Resistant to sound transmission
    • Resistant to Natural Disasters
    • Anti Termite
    • Non-toxic
    • Environment-Friendly
    • Resistant to Heat and Sound Transmission

    Our customers love Orilite - you will too.

    • Orilite AAC Blocks are versatile, eco-friendly, and perfect for walls, fences, garden beds, and other non-load-bearing applications. Highly satisfied!
      Nagar Nigam Kota
      The Orilite AAC block is one third and a quarter lighter than the equivalent size fired clay brick and concrete block. Light in weight, easy to cut and durable, it’s the right substitution to traditional concrete blocks.
      Kota University
    • Orilite Building Solutions has revolutionized the construction market by introducing an innovative concrete technology to the Indian Market.
      Western Central Railway
      Orilite’s AAC blocks have low thermal conductivity. So, space inside the AAC Block tends to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It’s definitely a quality product.
      MP Road Dev Corporation

    Our customers love Orilite - you will too.

    • The Orilite AAC Block is extremely versatile and is the perfect eco-friendly alternative to traditional bricks and concrete blocks. We used Orilite blocks and floor slabs for non-load-bearing construction applications including external walls, internal walls, fences and garden beds. We are extremely satisfied with it’s valuable contribution to our construction.
      Nagar Nigam Kota
    • The Orilite AAC block is one third and a quarter lighter than the equivalent size fired clay brick and concrete block. Light in weight, easy to cut and durable, it’s the right substitution to traditional concrete blocks.
      Kota University
    • Orilite Building Solutions has revolutionized the construction market by introducing an innovative concrete technology to the Indian Market.
      Western Central Railway
    • Orilite’s AAC blocks have low thermal conductivity. So, space inside the AAC Block tends to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It’s definitely a quality product.
      MP Road Dev Corporation

    Transforming Construction Industry

    Want to know what the users in the field have to say about AAC and us?
    Here is a glimpse of how the product is a huge success in the market and is a preferred option above all.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Orilite blocks are cost-effective and environment-friendly offering good insulation, better thermal conductivity, and are light weight. Also, with Orilite Blocks you can stay sure of your building for over 100 years.
    With Orilite AAC Blocks, you can unlock savings on steel and concrete, reduce the plaster consumption, and the construction time as well. Thus, with Orilite, the cost of construction is can cut down drastically
    Orilite blocks are cost-effective and environment-friendly offering good insulation, better thermal conductivity, and are light weight. Also, with Orilite Blocks you can stay sure of your building for over 100 years.
    Clay Bricks are heavy; Orilite blocks are one third of the weight of Clay Bricks. Also, Orilite Blocks are easy to cut and are cost-effective making them better than Clay Bricks.
    AAC blocks qualify for Green ratings and is considered as a Green Building Project because of the following attributes: Minimum use of water during construction – lesser prewetting and post-curing

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    Truly Certified

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